
All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Acronym Meaning Source
N North, North Latitude AIS
N1 Gas Generator Speed
N2 Second Stage Turbine Speed
NAA National Airworthiness Authority (for a country other than Australia) CAR 1998
NAD Non-acqueous Developer
NAIPS National aeronautical information processing system AIP
NANDTB National Aerospace Non-destructive Testing Board
NANU Notice Advisory to NavStar Users
NAP Noise Abatement Procedures AIS
NAS National Airspace System
NASC National AIS System Centre AIS
NASIG National Airspace System Implementation Group
NAV Navigation AIS
NAVAID Navigation Aid AIS
NAWD Non-acqueous Wet Developer
NB Northbound AIS
NBFR Not Before AIS
NC No Change AIS
NDB Non-directional Radio Beacon AIS
NDI Non-destructive inspection CAR 1988
NDT Non-destructive testing CAR 1988
NE Northeast AIS
NEG Negative, No. Permission not granted or, That is not correct AIS
NFRM Notice of Final Rule Making CASA
NG Gas Generator Speed
NM Nautical Mile AIS
NML Normal AIS
NNE North North-East AIS
NNW North North-West AIS
NOC National Operations Centre (Airservices Australia)
NOF International NOTAM Office AIS
NOSIG No Significant Change AIS
NOTAM Notice To Airmen AIP
NOV November AIS
NOZ Normal Operating Zone AIS
NP Propeller Speed
NPA Non-precision approach (procedures at aerodromes) AIS
NPC Notice of proposed change (consultation for amendment to a MOS) CAR 1998
NPRM Notice of proposed rule making CASA
NPV Net present Value
NSC Nil Significant Cloud AIS
NTA No TAF Amendment AIS
NTL National AIS
NTS Negative Torque Sensing System
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board (of the USA)
NTZ No-transgression zone AIP/ICAO
NVD Night Vision Device
NVED Night Vision Enhancement Devices
NVET National vocational education and training CASR Part 66
NVFR Night Visual Flight Rules
NVG Night Vision Goggles (by the MIL) AIS
NVIS Night Vision Imaging Systems
NW North-West AIS
NZ New Zealand
NZ CAA New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority
NZS New Zealand Standard