
All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Acronym Meaning Source
D Deleted AIS
D Downward (tendency in RVR (Runway visual range) during previous 10 minutes) ICAO
D-ATIS Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service (pronounced'DEE-ATIS')
D... Danger Area (followed by identification) AIS
DA Decision Altitude AIS
DA/H Decision Altitude/Height AIP
DALR Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
DAME Designated Aviation Medical Examiner CASR Part 67
DAO Designated Aviation Ophthamologist CASR Part 67
DAP Departure and Approach Procedures AIP
DCA Department of Civil Aviation (previous to CASA)
DCD Double channel duplex ICAO
DCKG Docking AIS
DCMSD Decommissioned AIS
DCPC Direct Controller-Pilot Communications AIS
DCS Double channel simplex ICAO
DCT Direct (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach) AIS
DE Form (used to preceed the call sign of the calling station) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) ICAO/AIP
DEC December AIS
DEG Degrees AIS
DEP Depart, Departure, Departed, Departing, Departure Message AIS
DER Departure End of Runway AIP
DER Designated Engineering Representative FAR
DES Descend to, Descending to AIS
DEST Destination AIS
DETRESFA Distress Phase AIS
DEV Deviation, Deviating AIS
DF Direction Finder/ Finding AIS
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder AIS
DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator ICAO
DGA Distance Measuring Equipment or Global Positioning Satellite System Arrival
DH Decision Height ICAO
DIF Diffuse AIS
DISP Displaced AIS
DIST Distance AIS
DITRDLG Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (formerly DOTARS)
DIV Diversion, Divert, Diverting AIS
DLA Delay (message type designator) ICAO/AIP
DLIC Data Link Initiation Capability AIS
DMC Direct Maintenance Cost WATOG
DME Distance Measuring Equipment ICAO/AIP
DMEN DME (International) AIS
DMEP DME (International Precision used in conjunction with Microwave Landing System) AIS
DNG Danger, Dangerous AIS
DOC Direct Operating Cost WATOG
DOC Documents AIS
DoD Department of Defence
DOM Domestic AIS
DP Dew Point Temperature ICAO/AIP
DP Discussion Paper CASA
DR Dead Reckoning (navigation) ICAO
DR... Low drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow) AIS
DRG During AIS
DS Dust storm AIS
DSB Double sideband ICAO
DTAM Descend to And Maintain AIS
DTG Date-Time Group AIS
DTHR Displaced Runway Threshold AIS
DTRT Deteriorate, Deteriorating AIS
DTW Dual tandem wheels ICAO
DUC Dense Upper Cloud (met) AIS
DUPE This is a duplicate message (to be used in Aeronautical Fixed Service as a procedure signal) ICAO
DUR Duration AIS
DW Dual wheels ICAO
DZ Drizzle AIS