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Acronym Meaning Source
IA Inspection authorisation FAR
IAC Instrument approach chart (followed by name/title) ICAO/AIP
IAF Initial Approach Fix AIS
IAL Instrument Approach and Landing Chart AIS
IAO In and out of clouds AIS
IAP Instrument Approach Plate
IAR Intersection of air routes ICAO
IAS Indicated air speed ICAO
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAW In Accordance With
IAWP Initial Approach Way-point AIS
IBN Identification Beacon AIS
IC Ice Crystals (MET code) AIS
ICA Instructions for continuing airworthiness (issued by manufacturer or designer) CAR 1998
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
ICE Icing, Ice AIS
ICUS In-command Under Supervision
ID Identifier, identify AIS
IDENT Identification AIS
IF Instrument Flight
IF Intermediate Approach Fix AIS
IFF Identification Friend/Foe AIS
IFR Instrument flight rules ICAO/AIP
IFSD In-flight Shutdown
IG Implementation Group
IGA International general aviation /AIPICAO
ILS Instrument Landing System AIS
IM Inner Marker AIS
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions (other than VMC) CAR 1988
IMC Indirect Maintenance Cost WATOG
IMG Immigration AIS
IMI Interrogation sign ICAO
IMPR Improve, Improving, Improvement AIS
IMT Immediate, Immediately AIS
INA Initial approach ICAO
INBD Inbound AIS
INC In Cloud AIS
INCERFA Uncertainty Phase AIS
INDEX Integrated Data Exchange
INFO Information AIS
INOP Inoperative AIS
INP If not possible ICAO
INPR In progress ICAO
INS Inertial Navigation System AIS
INSTL Install, Installed, Installation AIS
INSTR Instrument AIS
INT Intersection AIS
INTER Intermittent, Intermittently (meteorological) AIS
INTL International AIS
INTRG Interrogator AIS
INTRP Interrupt, Interruption, Interrupted AIS
INTSF Intensify, Intensifying AIS
INTST Intensity AIS
IoA Instrument of appointment CAR 1988
IOC Indirect Operating Cost WATOG
IOE Initial Operational Experience
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue WATOG
IR Ice on runway ICAO
IREX Instrument Training Examination
IRM Immediately Reportable Matters
IRS Internal Reporting System
ISA International Standard Atmosphere AIS
ISB Independent Sideband AIS
ISG CASA's Information Services Group CASA
ISIM Integrated Safety Investigation Methodology
ISO9000 International Organization for Standardization
ISOL Isolated AIS
ITT Interstage Turbine Temperature
IWI Illuminated Wind Indicator AIS
IWP Intermediate Way-point AIS