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Acronym Meaning Source
E East, East Longitude AIS
E  E  E Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) ICAO
EASA European Aviaton Safety Agency
EAT Expected Approach Time AIS
EB Eastbound AIS
ECAR European Civil Aviation Requirement (formerly JAR)
EDTO Extended Diversion Time Operations
EET Estimated Elapsed Time AIS
EFB Electronic Flight Bag
EFC Expect further clearance ICAO
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System CAR 1988
EHF Extremely high frequency (30,000 to 300,000 MHz) ICAO/AIP
EHR Encumbrance Holder Register CASR Part 47
ELBA Emergency locator beacon-aircraft ICAO
ELEV Elevation AIS
ELR Extra Long Range AIS
ELT(S) Emergency Locator Transmitter (Survival) CAR 1988
EM Engine Manual WATOG
EM Explanatory Memorandum (submitted to EXCO with regulation amendment)
EM Emission AIS
EMBD Embedded in a Layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds) AIS
EMERG Emergency AIS
EMS Emergency Medical Service
EMS Environment Management System
END Stop-end (related to RVR) ICAO
ENDCE Endurance AIS
ENE East North-East AIS
ENG Engine AIS
ENR En Route AIS
ENRC En Route Chart (followed by name/title) AIS
EOBT Estimated off Blocks Time AIS
EPA Environment Protection Agency
EPIRB Electronic Position Indicating Radio Beacon (marine term.) AIS
EQPT Equipment AIS
ER Here..or herewith ICAO
ERC En-route Chart AIS
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERSA En-route Supplement Australia AIP
ES Explanatory Statement (tabled with regulations in Parliament)
ESD Electrostatic sensitive discharge
ESDE ESD equipment
ESE East Southeast AIS
ESIR Electronic safety incident report
EST Estimate or estimated or estimate (message type designator) AIS
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival, Estimating Arrival AIS
ETCM Engine trend and condition monitoring
ETD Estimated Time of Departure, Estimating Departure AIS
ETO Estimated Time Over significant point AIS
ETOPS Extended range operations by turbine-engined aeroplanes ICAO
ETP Equi Time Interval
ETT Estimated Time Interval
EV Every AIS
EVU Enforceable Voluntary Undertaking Section 30DK of the Civil Aviation Act 1988
EXC Except AIS
EXCO Executive Council
EXCOS Executive Council Secretariat
EXER Exercises, Exercising, to exercise AIS
EXP Expect, Expected, Expecting AIS
EXTD Extend, Extending, Extended AIS